"Kooooooooon~~~!" Tier: 1S Well now I’ve seen everything. No, the wiki does not have a typo; Fubuki does, in fact, have a Dive Bomber slot instead of an AA gun. The Dive Bomber in question is extremely weak - with only 201 AVI, 80% efficiency, one expansion, and one charge, it is more akin to a BBV seaplane. However, the actual strength of the plane is not very important in this case - simply by HAVING a plane, Fubuki gains the screen-clearing utility of an airstrike and contributes to Air Superiority. It also means she has an AVI stat - roughly half that of a CV - which counts toward event Hardmode stat requirements, and opens up numerous cheese possibilities. Interestingly, the planes Fubuki launches (both from her airstrike and her skill) come out very delayed. This is because planes normally spawn from the ship that launches them, but Fubuki’s planes spawn offscreen on the left - significantly behind the backline - and thus have further to travel befo...