Macrolayer Medley Ship Review

Macrolayer Medley Ship Review

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1) Sadly, current impressions of Intrepid’s barrage are very poor.  The damage falls well behind high-damage monsters like Sara/Essex/Enty, thanks to the special Helldivers being gimped halfway to hell.  This also makes her very lackluster as an armor breaker, since Armor Break is a very weak debuff that’s basically only good if you’re getting it for free.

The barrage is still decent, her survival skills are relevant, she has great ASC contribution, and some of the most dangerous ch12/13 enemies are BBs/BCs, so Intrepid’s still a good ship. She’s just... not as good as she had potential to be.

The barrage plane’s stats have been datamined.  Total barrage bomb load is 3x2000lb bombs (380 damage each), and 6x500lb bombs (220 damage each).  Respectable, but not exactly impressive compared to what some other CVs are doing (especially her sister Essex).

2) Subsequent testing of Reno has found her DPS to be able to keep pace with normal CLs in a low-plane environment.  This is great news for Reno - while she is definitely no Sandy retro, she should make an excellent addition to ch13 clear fleets.

3) Mid-level testing has begun with Bremerton, and oh boy, does she live up to her sister’s expectations.  Definitely the best ship of the event.

4) ... I may have been a bit harsh on Casablanca.  I used the term “not good” a lot, and that’s not quite accurate.

Basically, Casablanca is a sidegrade of pre-ASC Long Island.  Which is usable, sometimes amazingly powerful if Fast Takeoff rolls the sub-1% and chain-procs into oblivion.  I successfully used Long Island all the way through ch12, on JP before ASC and the ch12 nerfs.  But it is not consistently useful, and generally worse than a decent CV.

I expect that all the sources that are praising Casablanca will reverse their opinions in the next month, when they try to use her in high-level content and are reminded that ASC exists, and completely shits on 2-plane CVLs like this.

5) Cooper’s low-HP Catalina barrage is ridiculous.  Total bomb load is 4x2000lb bombs, each with the same damage as a +10 Helldiver’s 2k bomb.  It also scales with 120% of her TORP stat, and ignores enemy AA.

This is pretty much like throwing a full slot of Helldivers at the enemy.  Except way better, because enemy AA stat doesn’t gimp the damage into oblivion.

Cooper and Ryuuhou make a very obvious combo.  Cooper can drop below 40% HP to proc the barrage every fight, then Ryuuhou brings her back to full HP so she can do it again next fight.  We will need to time, however, to see if this is viable in ch12/13.

Even with ASW in its current state, using Cooper feels worthwhile.  If ASW ever becomes relevant, she will become a very good ship.

6) The VT-18's flood damage is equal to 15% of its base damage (3 ticks total, for 45% total DoT damage).  Against high-level enemies, this is HUGE.

In practice, the slower reload of the VT-18 does not significantly affect CV/L reload times.  Most carriers will have the same amount of airstrikes within S-rank timing, regardless of if it carries the VT-18 or a Barracuda.  In this sense, the VT-18 can be considered a straight upgrade from the gold Barracuda.

Spitball tiers:

T1: Intrepid, Bremerton, Reno (Reno is still kinda a ???)

T2: Cooper (T1 if ASW ever becomes relevant)

T3: Casablanca

T4: Marblehead

Tmediocresub: Bluegill


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