
Tier: 1

Kinda crappy base FP, but her skills give a total 35% FP buff making it actually pretty good.  On retrofit Hyuuga loses a MG mount, but in exchange has her main gun’s efficiency raised to a staggering 180%.  Given that the first volley has a 20% multiplicative damage buff when manually aimed, and follow-up volleys are auto-aimed (and thus often miss due to lack of shot leading, or target the wrong enemies), this is a very worthwhile tradeoff.

As a aviation battleship, Hyuuga replaces her secondary gun with a seaplane, and can perform airstrikes.  Unlike CV/Ls, BBVs can only store one airstrike charge, and seaplanes are much slower to reload than normal planes.  They also have rather crappy damage, as the only seaplane currently available on EN only carries a single 500lb bomb (note that this is quite a bit better on JP/CN, as those servers have access to a seaplane with a 1600lb bomb).  Still, it clears enemy attacks like a CV/L airstrike, and is free offensive damage in a slot that is normally only used defensively.

In contrast to her IJN BB peers, Hyuuga has high AA and 95% AA gun efficiency.  This puts her AA gun power almost on par with the best US BBs, and is nice for ch12/13.  Especially ch13, as seaplanes actually contribute to Air Superiority.

Since Hyuuga’s first FP buff is shared with all friendly backliners, she is often seen in fastkill compositions.  Providing a static extra 15% FP to something like Jean Bart is no joke, and Hyuuga has powerful main guns of her own to help deal damage.

Skill: Melee Artillery

Hyuuga’s retrofit barrage has a trigger range roughly as far as CL secondary guns would reach.  Fires several sets of 203mm HE ammo in rapid sequence (it’s almost simultaneous).  Each shell has its own targeting, prioritizing closer targets.  Surprisingly, the targeting seems highly intelligent; it assigns shots in a way that minimizes overkill, and is extremely accurate.

It also has no maximum range.  Once it is done with enemies inside its trigger range, all shells that are left over are fired at enemies OUTSIDE its trigger range - even if they are on the opposite side of the screen.  Damage per shell is high enough that it leaves a significant dent, even in shipgirl enemies and bosses.

This barrage effectively gives Hyuuga CA secondary guns, removing the BBV’s innate weakness to suicide boats while also potentially damaging “real” enemies.


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