
Tier: 0

The only US BB you will ever see in T0, unless Manjuu starts adding more pre-dreadnoughts.  She only gets MG+1, but somewhat makes up for it with 165% main gun efficiency.  Just like every other US BB, Georgia is CR, meaning she does jack against suicide boats.  Unlike most of her friends, however, Georgia has an insanely powerful and versatile barrage that makes her shortcomings more than worthwhile.

Georgia’s barrage has two components:
  1. “The Dunk”.  Fires two SHS shells with extremely high damage, which arrive at the target slightly after the main gun shells.  The Dunk is automatically aimed at the enemy closest to the main gun’s target center.  This is very important; most barrages (even the best) do not hit the entire screen, or hit parts of the screen for significantly less damage, and subsequently will have certain bosses or high-priority enemies outside their area that they cannot effectively damage.  The Dunk can be consistently aimed at any chosen enemy on the screen, allowing it to snipe whatever you wish.  Sadly, SHS has half the splash radius of conventional ammo, and the autoaim and slight delay means that it will sometimes whiff entirely.
  2. “The Scattershot”.  Shortly after the Dunk, Georgia showers a large area with DD HE.  Unlike the Dunk, the Scattershot’s area is fixed based on Georgia’s fleet position.  Deals low damage per shell, but it is very dense and fires continuously for ~1.5 seconds, dealing very high damage across the entire duration.
The Dunk is highly effective against Medium and Heavy armor targets, while the Scattershot shreds anything with Light armor (and also deals reasonable damage to the other armor types).

Due to their different natures, the two barrage components give Georgia’s barrage incredible versatility - it can clear waves, controllably snipe high priority targets, AND do massive boss damage against all armor types.  Very few barrages can do even two of these roles as efficiently, and Georgia can do all three at once.  It also has an 80% proc rate, compared to the 70% typical of other barrages.

Regarding the first skill: Free spread reductions are always good on BBs.  Skills that hate on a specific ship class are normally not great, but this affects every ship class other than DDs and CV/Ls, so it’s actually pretty good.


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