
Tier: 0

By far one of the best CVs in the entire game.  With a strong block, support skill, and insane barrage (with 100% proc chance!), Essex is extremely hard to beat.

Skill: Valorous Avengers

Essex’s barrage launches several extra planes that launch sweeping torpedoes.  Damage and AoE are both very high.  Enemies hit by the barrage torpedoes are affected by the exclusive Flooding DoT (see Saratoga), except the base flooding damage is more than TRIPLE that of Saratoga.  This gives Essex obscene amounts of damage, even against the ch12/13 bosses that have 80%+ damage resistance to planes.  To top everything off, the barrage has 100% proc chance.  Virtually all barrages that come even CLOSE to this power level only have 70-80% proc chance, while Essex is guaranteed to use hers every airstrike.

The 10% damage buff against BBs is very small, narrow, and not very useful.  But you also don't care because everything else is so busted.

Skill: Covering Formation

This is Essex’s least impressive skill, which should tell you something about the rest.  Running a full 3 CV/Ls is ill-advised in almost all content, but 2 CV/Ls + 1 BB is very strong.  Additionally, US has many strong CV/Ls, so the first half of the skill can easily be a 10% AVI increase.

In many maps, the second half of this skill is irrelevant.  In ch12/13, however, there is no shortage of planes for Essex to shoot down, and this will easily achieve the full 15% AVI buff.  Combined 10% and 15% AVI buffs are hardly a laughing matter.

Skill: Absolute Evasion

Cutting damage to 1 for the entire fleet is very powerful, even if it is at 12% chance and only against a specific damage type.  Fortunately, it is a very relevant damage type, as both ch12 and ch13 are infested with enemy planes.  The US ship requirement is basically just to make her break PvP less - most of the good American ships also have good AA, so if you care about enemy planes you were probably running a pile of them anyways.

Note: As this skill specifies plane-based bombs and torpedoes, it presumably does NOT apply to crash damage.  Crash damage is the only plane-based damage backline ships receive in PvE, so this should only cut damage for the frontline.

In PvP, where plane-based bombs and torpedoes can deal significant backline damage, this skill actually protects the backline.  However, the usefulness of this is debatable, as the meta has solidly shifted to BB piles.


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